Notre ‘entreprise de peinture à paris ’est à votre service pour rénover votre appartement, studio, magasin, boutique, partie commune, loft et cage d’escalier etc à paris, hauts de seine, val de marne


Renovate your bathroom on budget & @ best prices


Budget Renovation of your Parisian Bathroom 

Paris is an expensive city, and complete renovation of the property in French capital cost a fortune. And, thus not all the people can afford the luxurious renovation of their apartment or bathroom, to be specific.

Just imagine that you have either rented or purchased an apartment in Paris, and the interior of the bathroom is not of your taste. Cupboards can be changed easily, thanks to IKEA or Leroy Merlin. But you do not like the colour of your bathtub or the sink. Or, if the colour of the bathtub is ok, then perhaps you do not like the colours of tiles on walls or on the floor?

👉  Apartment renovation & remodeling costs in Paris

You got the quotes from ‘apartment builders in Paris’ and you find changing the bathtub or tiles is expensive, and thus not an option. So what can be done in such a case?

The fact is that ‘changing the bathtub’ or tiles can be very expensive as it requires more work. To change the bathtub, first we need to remove it, which may damage certain tiles as well, depending upon the case. In addition, in some cases, some modification of the plumbing may be necessary before installing a new bathtub. Similarly, changing the tiles would involve the ‘demolition work’. First, the tiles have to be removed from the walls and the ceiling. And, then transport the rubble etc to the designated places around Paris.

Not only this, after that, depending upon the situation, walls and the floor have to be made even before the new tiles can be installed. And, finally the painting of the ceiling and walls.

So what are the easiest and less expensive solutions?

Luckily, now paints exist, not only for the tiles but also for the bathtub and sink as well. Similarly, tiles on the floor and walls can also be painted as per your choice. In fact, there are different types of paint available. Some paints need an under-paint before the final application. While the other paints can be applied directly. When you are in Leroy Merlin, Castorama or Bricorama, you can ask for their professional advice.

Generally, these paints are water based, or acrylique, so after the renovation, there will be no bad odor of the white spirit in the apartment. Such paints are very resistant, and once dried up completely – they resist water. Generally these paints do not take a long time to get dried.

2 layers of paint or more?

If you wish to paint the bathtub, sink or the tiles in your bathroom, be ready for a minimum of two layers of the paint. If the existing colour is dark, and you wish to apply a light colour, be prepared for 3 layers of the paint. Do clean well the surfaces before application of the paint.

This way you can change the ‘interior of your bathroom’ as per your choice and taste while not spending too much money for your bathroom renovation. If you know how to paint, you can even do it yourself. Otherwise, our ‘apartment renovation company in Paris’ would be happy to assist. For more information, please contact us.





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Entreprise de rénovation intérieure et de peinture à Paris et en Ile de France

Vous venez « d'acheter le nouvel appartement à Paris » ou en banlieue et vous souhaitez “rénover l'intérieur de votre appartement, maison ou studio à Paris” - et vous recherchez une “entreprise de rénovation d'appartements en mesure de rénover l'intérieur ou l'extérieur de votre maison pour un prix compétitif et pas cher” - notre « entreprise de rénovation et peinture appartements à paris » est à votre service pour réaliser tout type de travaux de rénovation: “plomberie, électricité, peinture, parquet, carrelage, démolition, construction, rénovation”, etc. Notre « entreprise de rénovation d’appartements à Paris »,s’occupe de chaque projet de rénovation et travaux de peinture avec le plus grand soin. Dès le début d'un projet de rénovation ou de peinture, nous tenons compte de tous les détails nécessaires à la qualité du travail et à la satisfaction du client. Notre « entreprise de travaux peinture à paris», connaît bien les attentes de ses clients. Dans notre première visite, pour établir le devis gratuit, nous intervenons toujours avec professionnalisme, sérieux et discrétion. Nous essayons de comprendre ce que veut le client. Nous proposons des solutions de ‘rénovation et de décoration’ selon les goûts de nos clients, à Paris et en banlieue ( ‘Neuilly sur Seine’, Clamart, Courbevoie, Créteil, Charenton le Pont, Courbevoie, Saint Cloud, Champigny sur Marne, Boulogne Billancourt etc.) “Artisan peintres intérieure” de notre « entreprise peinture à Paris » sont disponible dans tous les arrondissement de paris : paris-1, paris-2, paris-3, paris-4, paris-5, paris-6, paris-7, paris-8, paris-9, paris-10, paris-11, paris-12, paris-13, paris-14, paris-15, paris-16, paris-17, paris-18, paris-19, paris-20.