Notre ‘entreprise de peinture à paris ’est à votre service pour rénover votre appartement, studio, magasin, boutique, partie commune, loft et cage d’escalier etc à paris, hauts de seine, val de marne


Benefits and types of internal sliding doors in homes, apartments and studios

In big and cosmopolitan cities like New York, London, Tokyo, and 'Paris', living space is a major problem. Rents or the prices of spacious apartments and properties are high in Paris and thus require more fortune. Therefore Parisians regularly face the challenge of space management and/or space optimization inside their apartments. Sliding doors, in this context, do help to optimize the space.

Alpeintureparis is Paris based renovation firm, specializing in apartment renovation and remodelling. We are available in all arrondissements of Paris and suburbs ( Neuilly sur Seine, Versaille, Maisons Lafitte, Vincennes, Courbevoie, La Defense, Boulogne-Billancourt, Charenton le Pont, Villejuif, Cachan, Ivry sur Seine, Clamart, Meudon, Creteil, Cergy, Montrouge, Les Lilas, Montreuil, Fontenay sous Bois, Clamart, Colombes, Gentilly, Fresnes, Orly, Santeny, Alfortville, Colombes, Malakoff, Nanterre, Clichy, Puteaux,  Vanves ). For more information, please feel free to contact us.

In this context, sliding doors offer a wide range of advantages over classic doors or which operate on hinges. Sliding doors bring with them the ease of use, save the space, adjoin different rooms more fluidly, add beauty to the property and also add the stylish touch to the interior of an apartment. Therefore, installation of sliding doors are becoming trendy in Paris, with more Parisians preferring sliding doors over the classic doors when opting for renovating their apartments

Cost of installing sliding door.

Cost of installation of sliding doors vary and depends upon various factors. Sliding doors are available in different models, which are made up of various materials. It also depends if you are like to install a custom made sliding door or you prefer purchasing it from vendors like Leroy Merlin, Castorama, IKEA, or Bricorama etc. These stores offer a wide range of the doors available. For more information, you can visit their websites.

Types of Sliding doors.

In terms of installation, there are two main ways to install sliding doors. One is simple and inexpensive. While the other requires more work, and thus more expensive. These two types are explained as under.

Sliding door outside the wall

In this way, the sliding door is installed not within the wall rather outside the wall. The mechanism controlling the movement of the door is installed on the upper part of the wall. The door is then attached to it. The mechanism controlling the movement can be covered and painted. If required, a lock can also be installed, specially if the door is to be used for bathroom. In French, it is called la porte coulissante

Sliding door, integrated within the wall

The other type of sliding door is installed within the wall and thus it becomes the integral part of the wall. For this type of installation, construction of new wall is mandatory. Practically, it would also include the demolition of existing wall. Mechanism controlling the movement of the door is thus covered within the wall. Once the installation is complete, when open the door is hidden within the wall. However, in certain cases, this type of installation may not be possible. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss it in detail with your apartment renovation contractor before making final decision.

Space Saving

The doors operating on the hinges require extra space for the arc of the door when it is open. This place can’t be used for any purpose. With the help of sliding door, this place becomes available for the use. Sliding doors are very much of help specially between the kitchen and the dining room, making the two pieces as one whenever needed. In this way, the dining room and kitchen look more like an american kitchen.


Sliding doors, whether outside the wall or integrated inside the wall, look elegant and add the esthetic value to the apartment. There exist a large variety of sliding doors made up of different materials and in various designs. While selecting the model or design of a sliding door, keep in mind also the interior of your apartment. This way, sliding doors will give a beautiful look to your apartment. This is most natural, logical and practical choice to join spaces in the apartment. Besides, there’s an amazing variety of different styles available in the market to ensure right sliding doors to go with your home or apartment or studio.

Alpeintureparis is Paris based renovation firm, specializing in apartment renovation and remodelling. We are available in all arrondissements of Paris and suburbs ( Neuilly sur Seine, Versaille, Maisons Lafitte, Vincennes, Courbevoie, La Defense, Boulogne-Billancourt, Charenton le Pont, Villejuif, Cachan, Ivry sur Seine, Clamart, Meudon, Creteil, Cergy, Montrouge, Les Lilas, Montreuil, Fontenay sous Bois, Clamart, Colombes, Gentilly, Fresnes, Orly, Santeny, Alfortville, Colombes, Malakoff, Nanterre, Clichy, Puteaux,  Vanves ). For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Energy saving

Sliding doors also help to save energy and let the light pass, specially when you chose a door made up of glass. This is particularly helpful when the door is used on the exterior side of the apartment. If it is used between the two rooms, it allows the light pass through the door and also gives the impression of the larger space. Sliding doors made up of seeded glass or frosted glass can also be used if the view through the door is not desirable.

In addition to the practical benefits on daily basis, internal sliding doors also make an aesthetically powerful statement due to its striking and novel feature within your home, apartment or studio. As they come in stylish designs, suiting various tastes, sliding doors are getting more popular among Parisians and desired in new renovation projects. In addition, sliding doors also increase the value of your property and therefore logical choice if you are thinking about apartment renovation project.

Alpeintureparis is Paris based renovation firm, specializing in apartment renovation and remodelling. We are available in all arrondissements of Paris and suburbs ( Neuilly sur Seine, Versaille, Maisons Lafitte, Vincennes, Courbevoie, La Defense, Boulogne-Billancourt, Charenton le Pont, Villejuif, Cachan, Ivry sur Seine, Clamart, Meudon, Creteil, Cergy, Montrouge, Les Lilas, Montreuil, Fontenay sous Bois, Clamart, Colombes, Gentilly, Fresnes, Orly, Santeny, Alfortville, Colombes, Malakoff, Nanterre, Clichy, Puteaux,  Vanves ). For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Entreprise de rénovation intérieure et de peinture à Paris et en Ile de France

Vous venez « d'acheter le nouvel appartement à Paris » ou en banlieue et vous souhaitez “rénover l'intérieur de votre appartement, maison ou studio à Paris” - et vous recherchez une “entreprise de rénovation d'appartements en mesure de rénover l'intérieur ou l'extérieur de votre maison pour un prix compétitif et pas cher” - notre « entreprise de rénovation et peinture appartements à paris » est à votre service pour réaliser tout type de travaux de rénovation: “plomberie, électricité, peinture, parquet, carrelage, démolition, construction, rénovation”, etc. Notre « entreprise de rénovation d’appartements à Paris »,s’occupe de chaque projet de rénovation et travaux de peinture avec le plus grand soin. Dès le début d'un projet de rénovation ou de peinture, nous tenons compte de tous les détails nécessaires à la qualité du travail et à la satisfaction du client. Notre « entreprise de travaux peinture à paris», connaît bien les attentes de ses clients. Dans notre première visite, pour établir le devis gratuit, nous intervenons toujours avec professionnalisme, sérieux et discrétion. Nous essayons de comprendre ce que veut le client. Nous proposons des solutions de ‘rénovation et de décoration’ selon les goûts de nos clients, à Paris et en banlieue ( ‘Neuilly sur Seine’, Clamart, Courbevoie, Créteil, Charenton le Pont, Courbevoie, Saint Cloud, Champigny sur Marne, Boulogne Billancourt etc.) “Artisan peintres intérieure” de notre « entreprise peinture à Paris » sont disponible dans tous les arrondissement de paris : paris-1, paris-2, paris-3, paris-4, paris-5, paris-6, paris-7, paris-8, paris-9, paris-10, paris-11, paris-12, paris-13, paris-14, paris-15, paris-16, paris-17, paris-18, paris-19, paris-20.